Hospitality & leisure eyeing solar PV amid price crisis, survey finds
Survey of 300 UK-based hospitality and leisure businesses found most are exploring energy efficiency measures and half are considering on-site solar panels.
The survey canvassed 300 business owners and executive-level professionals at UK-based hospitality and leisure firms. #
Most of the businesses polled were hotels and restaurants, with the survey covering SMEs and larger chains.
“Government grants to finance energy saving solutions only have a 5-10% conversion rate and for most it takes six to 12 months to get a decision, causing further delays and burning more cash – and carbon.”
eEnergy’s chief executive Harvey Sinclair
Key findings:
- Half of the businesses surveyed said they are either already planning to install, or are looking at the feasibility of installing on-site solar panels.
- Eight in 10 businesses believe they may have to make redundancies or reduce staff hours before the year is out to reduce costs
- 90% of those polled did not expect energy levels to return to pre-price-crisis levels by this time next year
- 94% of respondents stated that at least one-fifth of the energy they purchase every year goes to waste
- Almost all survey respondents said they had either already made further energy efficiency improvements or are planning to do so within 12 months. Common actions include installing LED lighting and using digital solutions to identify inefficient energy use
- 29% said that they want to see a Government-backed, energy-efficiency support scheme for the sector
The new designs help to solve the problems of current heat pumps by integrating heat storage – a small water tank and a coil of copper tube.

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