How to save energy in the energy crisis
In the current energy crisis, a reminder that the greenest and cheapest unit of energy is the one that you don’t use.
News of the current energy crisis is everywhere in the media at the moment. Global gas prices are at a record high, which has also pushed the cost of electricity up, and this is understandably creating concern over what this means for energy bills.
Many energy companies have been forced out of business as a result of the crisis and attention is turning to find energy solutions that don’t rely on gas and other fossil fuels.
However, it is worth bearing in mind that the greenest and cheapest unit of energy, is the one that you don’t use. Improving the energy performance of our buildings – such as installing insulation, better lighting, switching to low carbon technologies – means we need to use less energy overall. This results in cost savings on energy bills as well as cutting carbon emissions and the added benefit of creating more comfortable spaces for employees and customers.
If you’d like to start your journey on improving your businesses energy performance, we’d love to hear from you.
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