Over 100 energy saving recommendations made so far
In the past year we have made over 100 recommendations to Oxfordshire organisations that could result in £128,000 worth of savings to their energy bills every year.
The Energy Solutions Oxfordshire team have been busy helping businesses across the county better understand how they could be making improvements to their buildings, saving them money on their energy bills, and cutting their carbon emissions.
In the last year we have made over 100 recommendations of energy saving measures, to 20 organisations. Together these measures when installed could result in £128,000 worth of savings to their energy bills every year and represent over 3GWh of energy saved per year.
Recommendations to improve lighting has been the recommendation resulting in the greatest possible financial saving, followed by installing solar PV, new heating systems and insulation.
We’re so pleased to be helping businesses make such substantial savings. We look forward to advising more organisations on how they can improve their buildings and see the much needed action which society so urgently requires.
Alison Grunewald, Team Lead
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