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Over half of SME’s confused by ‘carbon jargon’, says new report

The majority of smaller businesses in the UK don’t understand how common environmental terms such as ‘net zero’, ‘carbon neutral’ and ‘carbon footprint’ apply to their businesses, according to new research commissioned by the British Business Bank.

The Opinium survey of 1,000 senior decision-makers in smaller businesses found more than half (54%) believe the language, terminology and information around carbon emissions reduction are too complex.

Almost three in four (74%) smaller businesses say they don’t understand how the term ‘net zero’ applies to them.

Over three in five (61%) say they would find more information and advice about taking action to measure and reduce their business’ carbon emissions helpful, with over half (53%) of those wanting advice on measuring their business’ carbon footprint and a similar proportion (51%) wanting information to help work out if reducing carbon emissions makes financial sense for their business.


Said they would find more information and advice about taking action to measure and reduce their business’ carbon emissions helpful.

‘Carbon jargon’ terms misunderstood by businesses include:

  1. Greenhouse gas emissions: 87% of businesses did not have a full understanding of the term and what it meant for their business
  2. Decarbonisation: 78%
  3. Net zero: 74%
  4. Carbon neutral: 69%
  5. Carbon footprint: 59%

“Smaller businesses are far too often put off by the overcomplex ‘carbon jargon’ that comes with reducing emissions. By helping decipher some of the terminology around decarbonisation the British Business Bank hopes to show smaller businesses that simple, incremental changes, such as switching off equipment when not in use can make a difference in their net zero transition.

Shanika Amarasekara, Chief Impact Officer, British Business Bank

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